A Revolutionary Way of Working: The Cross-Functional Nature of Success in Shale

Oil & Gas is at times a fast-paced and at others a slow-paced industry driven by volatile economies. Reacting to the market has been the downfall of many companies and David Banks had a better idea... he wanted to build a team to be proactive - able to respond to a changing industry fast as the markets dictated.

2024-06-17T17:58:04+00:00Case Studies|

Optimizing Deepwater Supply for Performance and Cost

Equipment management and transportation had been identified as an area with significant opportunity to reduce drilling and completions cost by increasing supply boat utilization from 60% to 80% and managing equipment and service team timing. This opportunity was so well recognized that disparate competing initiatives had been launched by Logistics, Supply Chain, and Operations to capture the potential benefit.

2024-06-17T17:57:36+00:00Case Studies|

Setting up for Excellence in Project Execution

An independent oil company had completed start-up of a new processing facility in partnership with the national oil company in an African nation.  The original plan was to execute capital projects with support from the European and Houston offices, but it was becoming clear to site leaders that local capability was needed to assure delivery of complex projects with high engineering intensity.

2024-06-17T17:58:29+00:00Case Studies|

Accelerating Reliability of a New Start-up

An independent oil company had completed construction of a new oil processing facility in partnership with the national oil company in an African nation. Reliable performance was paramount in order to monetize the resource and meet demand further down the value chain, but the client recognized this would be a challenge in a new facility staffed by contractors and local team members who were technically untrained.

2018-10-07T01:02:15+00:00Case Studies|

Transforming Performance through the Marriage of Technology and Culture

A national oil company needed radical performance improvement across two major refineries and the marketing organization. Leadership knew that while technology was critical, technical change alone would not achieve sustainable performance.

2018-10-07T00:57:26+00:00Case Studies|
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